How to Cook Tasty Bottle guard with carrot soup

Asian, Food Recipes and tasty.

Bottle guard with carrot soup.

Bottle guard with carrot soup You take on roasting griddle Bottle guard with carrot soup testing 8 instructions moreover 3 also. Here you are get there.

compound of Bottle guard with carrot soup

  1. Prepare 1 cup of bottle guard cut into pieces.
  2. You need 1/2 cup of carrot cut into pieces.
  3. Prepare 2/3 of musur Dal.
  4. It's 1/2 pieces of tomato.
  5. You need 1 of green chilli.
  6. Prepare 1/2 tablespoon of salt.
  7. Prepare 1 pinch of black pepper.
  8. Prepare 1 tablespoon of butter.

Bottle guard with carrot soup receipt

  1. Take a cooker add all ingredients except black pepper and butter,boil it..
  2. Then grind it..
  3. Now take a bowl add black papar and butter serve hot,thank you..