Recipe: Perfect Chia mint lemonade

Asian, Food Recipes and tasty.

Chia mint lemonade. In Mexico, chia seeds are often stirred into fruity drinks where they turn gelatinous and add a nice texture to the beverage. Chia can be used in breads and baked goods as well, but making chia fresca is the quickest. In Mexico, chia seeds are often stirred into fruity drinks where they turn gelatinous and add a nice texture to the beverage.

Chia mint lemonade This concoction couldn't be easier to make. Start with warm, purified water, squeeze in the juice of half an organic lemon, and add a tablespoon or two of chia seeds. The chia seeds will form a gel-like consistency in your glass. You succeed roasting broil Chia mint lemonade using 7 compound than 4 and. Here you are sew up.

technique of Chia mint lemonade

  1. Prepare 1 tsp of Chia seeds.
  2. You need 2 tbls of water.
  3. You need 1 cup of water.
  4. Prepare 1 tsp of lemon juice.
  5. Prepare 1 tbls of lemon squash.
  6. Prepare 2-3 of mint leaves.
  7. You need 2 tbls of crushed ice.

ADD ALL THE INGREDIENTS INTO MIXER BLENDER. In a blender, combine all of the ingredients except the ProactivChia and ice cubes. Pour the lemonade into a large Mason jar, add the ProactivChia and stir. Chia lemonade is a delicious and refreshing drink enjoyed in Mexico.

Chia mint lemonade receipt

  1. Blend water, mint, lemon juice and water together..
  2. Soak chia seed in 2 tbls water and cover..
  3. In glass add some crushed ice and soaked chia seeds. Pour lemon squash and mix..
  4. Add blended Mixture in the glass and stir. Refreshing chia mint lemonade is ready to serve..

Many of these ancient grains have been recently discovered to be super-foods, packed with antioxidants and other health benefits. Chia seeds are a great food to help with a quick weight loss diet. They let us lose weight in a healthy way. Chia seeds can help our intestines and can fight constipation. After all, it is good to have a clean colon.