How to Make Appetizing Apple pineapple and cucumber lemonade

Asian, Food Recipes and tasty.

Apple pineapple and cucumber lemonade.

Apple pineapple and cucumber lemonade You make ready stewing sauté Apple pineapple and cucumber lemonade testing 4 instructions as well as 3 moreover. Here you are put it over.

method of Apple pineapple and cucumber lemonade

  1. You need 2 of green apples.
  2. Prepare 1 of medium cucumber.
  3. You need 1 cup of pineapple.
  4. It's of Sugar.

Apple pineapple and cucumber lemonade step by step

  1. Dice apple, pineapple n cucumber.
  2. Blend n sieve add sugar to taste.
  3. Freeze and served chilled.