Recipe: Appetizing Lemonade /nimboo sikanji

Asian, Food Recipes and tasty.

Lemonade /nimboo sikanji.

Lemonade /nimboo sikanji You operate roasting sizzle Lemonade /nimboo sikanji accepting 7 receipt as a consequence 5 moreover. Here is how you finish.

prescription of Lemonade /nimboo sikanji

  1. It's 2 glass of Water chilled /soda water is optional.
  2. You need 5 tbsp of fine sugar.
  3. Prepare 2 of lemons medium size.
  4. You need 2 tsp of Rose water.
  5. You need Pinch of black salt.
  6. It's 5-6 of mint leaves chopped it.
  7. It's as needed of Ice cubes.

Lemonade /nimboo sikanji method

  1. Take one bowl put fine sugar water and mix it well.
  2. Then add lemon and mint leaves in it and shake it well all things.
  3. Then add slices of lemon and crushed mint leaves.
  4. In last add rose water and then add ice cubes.
  5. And serve it in glasses.